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Divi: Make Accordion Tabs Closable

To the header: <script> jQuery(function($){ $(‘.et_pb_toggle_title').click(function(){ var $toggle = $(this).closest(‘.et_pb_toggle'); if (!$toggle.hasClass(‘et_pb_accordion_toggling')) { var $accordion = $toggle.closest(‘.et_pb_accordion');...

Lazy Load Embedded YouTube Videos

Here's some HTML code that'll lazy load YouTube videos. There are better solutions for doing this site-wide, but this is good for just one or two videos. Code courtesy of <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″...

Apps & Platforms to charge per minute for calls

I'd like to be able to offer on demand consultation and support on a per minute basis with a minimum per-call charge. Ideally I can do a combination of: Going “Live” so clients can see that they can call right awaySettings “Availability Hours”...

Shopify Apps with very generous free plans

I'm starting a list of Shopify Apps that offer very generous free plans. These are apps I've discovered and I'm adding them to the list as I've come across them. I haven't used every app on this list. I'm just keeping the list for the future to reference. If you know...

Disable Zoom Effect on WooCommerce Images

Use this code courtesy of Divi Kingdom. /** * Disable WooCommerce zoom effect on the product image * @author Abdelfatah Aboelghit * @version 1.0 */ add_action( ‘wp', ‘divikingdom_disable_wc_zoom', 99 ); function divikingdom_disable_wc_zoom() {...

Divi Theme Builder: How To Add Author Box

I couldn't find the Author Box when using the Divi Theme Builder. Then I discovered that in order to create an Author Box, you're actually adding a Person Module and then creating a Dynamic Name, Bio, Image, etc within that module. Super easy once I discovered it....


SPF Record Notes You can only have one SPF record per website. If your domain contains more than one entry, recipient servers will decline both. Source.DreamHost automatically adds DreamHost's SPF records to your site. You only need to manually add an SPF record if...

Which press release distribution service is best?

I've never sent a press release before, but I'm going to experiment with one to announce my newsletter Shopifreaks to the world. While I don't necessarily think that reporters will pick up the story and feature my newsletter in their publications (although I'd be...

Divi Footer to bottom of browser on short pages

With the Divi theme, on short pages, the Footer always floats up towards the middle of the page and looks weird. Below is some CSS to push the footer to the bottom of the page. This code came from Tom Greer at If it doesn't work for you, visit that link...

Using Shopify + Dreamhost VPS for e-mail

I have a few stores hosted on Shopify, however, Shopify does not offer on-domain e-mail hosting, so I use my Dreamhost VPS for the e-mail. I was never sure if I was setting it up correctly by selecting the “Fully Hosted” option within Dreamhost if i was...

Following Your Own Compass

I think that in the era of information overload, one of the biggest strengths we can build is the ability to follow our own compasses. Because if you look for validation to support what you think is to come, you'll find it. And if you look for the exact opposite,...

Why I never introduce myself in cold emails

I rarely if ever introduce myself in cold emails. NOT introducing myself translates into a level of familiarity. Only strangers introduce themselves. Friends don't. And here you are… friend, community member, established business owner… they can look in...

Line Breaks Only On Mobile with CSS

This can help out when your lines of text are getting broken up in weird places, like when there's a trailing word that gets pushed to the next line and you'd rather split the line in half manually. @media screen and (min-width: 600px) { .mobile-break { display: none;...

How to center Submit button on Gravity Form

None of the code I found on support forums for centering Gravity Forms submit buttons worked, so I had to write my own. The code below is for a specific form and only applies to that form ID. You'll have to replace the form ID number in the code with your own....

To Do: Test & Review AMZ Table Assistant

In response to my article How To Set Up AAWP Plugin, Danny from AMZ Table Assistant sent me his extension to try out. It's designed to create AAWP product boxes / tables quicker by automatically inserting Amazon ASINs into the shortcodes from your browser. I've...

Taking my Facebook Group off Facebook

I run a professional community of travel bloggers, vloggers, and influencers and we have a private Facebook group for members. I originally created the FB group as an afterthought — a simple way for members to communicate with each other and for me to...

Shopify vs MailChimp: Who’s right?

This morning I got an e-mail from Shopify, as many of you may have also received, that read: Subject: Important changes to the Mailchimp app for Shopify merchants Message: Dear Paul, On March 21st, Mailchimp asked to be removed from the Shopify App Store and to end...

WordPress Membership Plugin Research

In my previous post on Hosted Online Membership Software, I was looking for the ideal solution in a fully hosted “Shopify for online courses” style platform. And I was greatly disappointed at what's available on the market. Nothing will suit my needs for...

Online course software for audio / video courses

I'm co-creating an online course. Originally it was going to include video interviews but we scrapped the video for audio only because the video didn't add too much value to the conversation as it was only going to be two faces with headphones talking to each other....

E-mail Newsletter Curation Software Looks legit. Got my mind thinking about ways to curate industry news and offer a daily newsletter for my specific niche. I could definitely outsource the task after an initial setup. Just not sure what to offer. Probably won't mess with...

Facebook Marketing Notes from Medellin Meetup

I went to a Facebook Marketing Meetup in Medellin held by Chris Erthel and these are a copy of my notes. Tools – Report all data in one place – Very automated rules. New Features Direct Response Ads Dynamic Product Ads...

Recurpost Review: Getting Started

I started using this software called Recurpost for my Twitter account to recycle old posts and bring them to the attention of new followers. I also made a really long / boring video showing me getting started with the software which you can watch below.

Best viral Facebook quiz software

tldr: I went with PlayBuzz for now which is free. These are my notes on how to create a viral Facebook quiz. I've had the idea for a while to create a few travel related quizzes – you know the kind – that people take, get a score, and then share for others...
Pinterest Pin It Popup Plugin for WordPress

Pinterest Pin It Popup Plugin for WordPress

I feel like there's never a great place to insert a vertical pin into a blog post. Somehow the vertical orientation of the Pin manages to look weird or out of place when embedded into my posts. So I came up with this idea for a solution: Pin It Popup Plugin for...

Notes on Zero to One by Peter Thiel

Zero to One by Peter Thiel Read: 08-04-2017 * * * * * Zero to One is about how to build companies that create new things. It draws on everything I've learned directly as a co-founder of PayPal and Palantir and then an investor in hundreds of startups, including...

Emojis That Work On Pinterest Board Titles

Turns out that Pinterest doesn't support the full set of universal emojis. I learned the hard way by adding an emoji to each board, only to discover shortly after that they didn't stick when I hit Save. So I found this list here to choose from. ☺ ☹️ ☀ ⛅ ⛈☁ ⚡ ☔☂❄ ☃⛄☕☘...

Places to list & promote your giveaway or contest

I've started doing giveaways on my site for travel related product and services using the Vyper Leaderboard software. I promote these giveaways to my e-mail list and on my social media, but the purpose of the giveaways is to reach a new audience, so I've been looking...

Tools to check your website’s page load speed

Some of the best tools I've discovered to test your website's page load speed: – My #1 go to – Google's tool – Another third party tool I occasionally...

WordPress hosting discount on the host I use

WPEngine is the host that I use for many of my projects, including the travel site that I'm always talking about on this blog. I also have a VPS with Dreamhost and a few accounts with Bluehost. Basically my rules of thumb are: For sites that REALLY matter if they go...

Amazon FBA & Private Label Notes

Best YouTube Channels About Amazon FBA Discovered Sean Skreen on Reddit through a tutorial he posted and subscribed to his channel. He recommends Jungle Scout for discovering sales rank and competitiveness of niches. And also JumpSend for helping to get reviews....

Do you have Telegram?

My friend asked me if I have Telegram ( and I asked, “What's that? An app for sending dirty photos?” And while that's true because of their end-to-end encryption and self destruct messaging features (although be wary of screenshots my...