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I'm currently using MailChimp for my e-mail newsletter. The subscribe form on my WordPress website is powered by Gravity Forms (as opposed to using MailChimp's forms). Gravity Forms + MailChimp Add-On = feeds all GF submissions into MailChimp.

Goal: Auto-tag my MailChimp subscribers based on their source. So for example, if they came from a Reddit ad or Google ad.

Solution: Leverage GravityForm's ability to dynamically populate fields. Details below.

  1. Create a GravityForm with e-mail, first name, last name fields (or just e-mail if that's all you collect)
  2. Add a Text Field and call it “Tags”, then Hide the field, then go to Advanced and check “Allow field to be dynamically populated” and set the parameter name as “tags”
  3. Install the MailChimp Add-On
  4. Connect your MailChimp Account in the GravityForms –> Settings –> MailChimp
  5. Create a GF / MC feed in the Form –> Settings –> MailChimp –. Create Feed. Assign the E-mail to E-mail / First Name to First Name / etc. Then at the bottom where it says “Tags”, click on the Merge Fields icon and insert the “Tags” value you just created. It'll look something like {Tags:2}. Then hit Save.
  6. Now when you link to your publication from Reddit ads or Google ads, create a special URL that leverages GravityForm's Query Strings. So for example, your link could look like “” and it'll automatically input “reddit” into your hidden Tags field in GF, which will then automatically assign a Tag called “reddit” to your MailChimp user.
  7. You can create as many tags as you want via that URL above. So you could have:
  8. It doesn't just have to be for ads either. You can set your LinkedIn profile website as for example and see which users subscribed from that link. You get the gist. Sky is the limit.
  9. You can also combine the above with UTM parameters to track sign-ups through your Google Analytics, but this solution will also tag them in your MailChimp too.