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In response to my article How To Set Up AAWP Plugin, Danny from AMZ Table Assistant sent me his extension to try out. It's designed to create AAWP product boxes / tables quicker by automatically inserting Amazon ASINs into the shortcodes from your browser.

I've installed the extension but haven't fully tested it yet until I do my next Amazon driven article. At first I wondered if this would actually save me much time because I'd have to go and insert custom tracking IDs into each shortcode anyway, so I might as well just create the whole shortcode myself, but then I quickly learned that he took that into consideration by allowing you to create custom button templates that have whatever defaults you want (including tracking ID). So far I'm impressed with what I see.

It might be a hot minute before I fully test the extension on an article because I've intentionally slowed down on Amazon content, but I am making note of the extension because it might help you. I'll come back and update this post eventually after I fully test it. If you use it in the meantime, drop a comment below and let me know what you think.